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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

On his way

to Cape Town and other faraway places in South Africa. Lucky lucky guy!

Have fun, R and Pirate!

Almost going away...

... the Dread Pirate spends the day at my office, trying to scrape together a kick-ass crew of giraffes and dragons. And plants.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Spot the differences. (Hint: there's more than 10.)
Even in the museum of antiquities, the Pirate finds a way to be rude to wimmin. It's amazing, this Pirate!
The Dread Pirate Gavroche visits Haarlem. Luvverly, ain't it? Yeah yeah, goes the Pirate, where be the strong ale and loose wimmin? (Not in there for sure, it's an art museum.)
Pirate! No I don't believe you killed it! I think it was already dead when we got here. I am quite certain.
When it comes to the wenches, Pirate never goes for the easy option. But the Warrior Woman may prove too much to handle even for the Dread Pirate Gavroche!
The Pirate joined us to the Efteling where he had the greatest time attacking every fantasy creature bigger than him. That would be every creature, fantasy or not.
The Pirate eats poffertjes. He must have Dutch roots too!

Happy New Year Pirate!

Being a coastal californian pirate and all, he didn't have all that much experience with really wintery weather. Just that the water had gone all hard and the boats wouldn't go. Rats! Just as he was about to set sail and invade England!
The Dread Pirate celebrated Christmas at my (N.'s) place with my parents. Here you see him storming the tree. You don't want to know what he did with the nativity scene...
Arrr! Now this scallywag be Rob. He'll take the Pirate aaaaaalll the way to South Africa in not too long. Both Rob and the Pirate are excited - can you tell?
The Pirate enjoys his pint of ale! Arrrr! (Yeah yeah, it's not ale but pilsner, blahblahblah... sheesh...)

Breakfast with the Pirate (not in bed, no!)

Just to illustrate: the Dread Pirate joins me for a typical breakfast on the train to Rotterdam.
May we introduce: the Dread Pirate Gavroche. (That would be the guy standing on the cage, not the birdies underneath.) He hit the European mainland somewhere in December 2008 and is still around. Hard to shake off a pirate, apparently.

The Dread Pirate Gavroche is originally from the Northern part of CaliforniYAY where he likes to wreak havock with his partners in crime, S. and wee S. Since hitting the shores of Holland he has been the companion of N., forever by her side in excitement (okay, and a little boredom). Posted here are some pictures of his adventures so far. Not all of them because they are too numerous by now to amuse even the most amiable blogspotter.