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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Goodbye to South Africa

"They tell me I left South Africa. Why can't I remember???"

Battling the Beast!

Looks like a Toyota but it is really a ChevyV8 Beast. I tamed it. ARRRRRR!!!!


"So if I blow up the capitol city with cannons, does that mean I conquer the whole country?"

No pirate? No: SURFER!

This one's for you, S.


So it's not the one in Santa Cruz... but it's still a nice one. This one is in Jeffrey's Bay. :)

Meet the enemy: Spaghetti!

We had our disagreements but eventually I persuaded him to come to terms. Over a whiskey we actually became good friends. Spaghetti rocks! (usually on piano)

Conquering Jeffrey's Baai (Bay)

Um... Pirate. There is a wave coming your way...

Um... PIRATE! There is a WAVE coming your way...!

Okay, Pirate... You're on your own now.

(Note: he almost did get washed away into the Indian ocean.)

F the OJ!!!

Kenny doesn't do OJ.

Meet Ken,

Finally we made friends with the (real) locals. Peace to you too brother!

And some real food!

Recruiting allies

This day was spent recruiting allies for taking over South Africa. A strong fighter was found in Capt. Dudley Trollip. Welcome on board, Dudley!

Woah! That guy is much faster than my ship!!!

Overlooking Diaz' Bay

With his new friend Sjaak. Nice guy.

He drives an old Mercedes - hell knows why.


He should be made to walk the plank, into a pint of beer. That will sort him out.

Meet my friend Rob.

We like to hang out over a tuna salad. Can you believe he drinks orange juice with that? Yuk!

Dread Pirate invades South Africa

He was last seen making his way through the jungle, killing the wildlife / wild flowers that stand in his way. ARRRR!!!

The Dread Pirate hits Cape Town!


In the background (look carefully!): Table Mountain.