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Monday, October 5, 2009

These I've seen somewhere... Oh yeah! I remember, that was when I invaded Cuba, boy do they make some noise! Eeeeh... have I ever been to Cuba?

This is too much of a wizz kid, all these electronic gadgets, give me a sextant and some star, I'll show you what comes around!

Bulu, my main man, I always feel safe when he's around, hmmmm wonder why?

Two captains on a ship eeehhh stage doesn't work. Poor Nils had to choose under force. I let Lucas win this time, but next time...

Nils I will recrute for my next conquest, he's a mean mother this guy! I like him!

Marco Toro used to be be one of my shipmates, he resigned and became a musician instead. Too bad...

Niti is a nice guy, if only he could stop streching my legs! He plays tabla and has this little trick with his fingers on the tabla.

On tour with Drums United

Wow! I luv banging the drums! They're cool!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

More tales of the Dread Pirate coming soon!

This weekend (i.e. 3-4 October) he joined another pirate, R, on his roadie job. Hopefully we'll have some pictures of the Dread Pirate Gavroche showing off his drumming skills.

It was at Lake Powell that tragedy (almost) struck

It started, as these things usually do, with a little bit of fun and games. Who dares to go highest?

Do you think the water is deep? Do you? Do you?

Eeek! The Dread Pirate Gavroche fell in! The water was deep, for the little pirate, and he forgot to mention that he is not a dreadfully good swimmer. "Hang on! I'll save you!" Sparro grabbed his special raft.
"Here, hang on to this branch. I'll come down and help you out!" (Pant, pant.)

Oh my, that was quite an adventure. Even among pirates, this kind of scare deserves a hug.

And a couple of pints, of course.

Aha! People MY size!

Bah, they were far too peaceful for the Pirate's taste. Arrrrr!

(Mesa Verde NP)

Durango: Pizza with beer, Bikes, Mountain rivers & Guns

This must be Colorado...

(Hey wait, isn't this where our pal Lil Croc has been? Yes it is! We recognized the place. Check Lil Croc's adventures out on

It was the weekend of the SingleSpeed World Championship (SSWC).
The Pirate made a friend. :)


It's the Grand Canyon!

Talk about flying...

The very next day the Pirate Crew encountered a magnificent creature from the US Airforce. They had to wonder if this was one of Sarah Smile's extended family members. Could be!
Anyhow, it turned out to be a very friendly fellow. He showed the Pirates around a little. After that it was only fair to give the Eagle a ride down the road.

One day I'll fly away!

(And so we did. But we came back.)

Gods this place is beautiful!

Even the Pirate fell quiet.

Some Americana

There's nothing like a) a museum for robotic dinosaurs, and b) a heroic statue of a cowboy lying down.

One more day at the coast

Warm sand, sunshine, seagulls flying overhead, chicks to check out, dolphins to hunt down... Life can be good when you're a pirate.

We killed it! We killed it!

The Pirate was travelling together with his buddy from New York, by the name of Jack Sparro. (Sparro's earlier adventures to be explored on It was a good thing there were two of them, I don't think the Dread Pirate could have handled the sabretooth tiger on his own. (Then again, who knows?)

Why the long face?


Dread Pirate travels to the US of A!

The Dread Pirate Gavroche travelled to the United States, to his homeland on the West Coast. It was a lovely and warm welcome for him there, he felt he was right back home. The sun was out (of course), the people were addressing him with 'You Guys!' and there was fried food. Life was good for the pirate.

Yet however content he may be, at a certain time and a certain place, something always itches for the Dread Pirate Gavroche. And so upon arrival he almost immediately began to scout the place out for new fellow scallywags to join his crew. The fellow above was only mildly interested.
(Check what the Pirate's hosts did in the US on

The Gentle Giant