The Dread Pirate Gavroche is a world traveller. He started out on the Californian shores but in the mean time he has travelled far and wide. He has been to such lands as
Japan, several
European countries,
South Africa, and back in the
US. He was just in Shanghai. He will be going to Greece soon.
The Dread Pirate has a blog. This one. This is where his shenanigans are recorded and displayed. It is the aim to make the entries more frequent, giving visitors (you!) more insight into the Pirate’s daily life.
The Dread Pirate’s current host is a thirty-something (female) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She seeks help – from you! – to improve the Pirate’s blog stats. So please help out: mention and link in your own blogs, twitter and fb, subscribe to blog and/or RSS feed, tell your friends, tell your friends to tell your friends, bring him up in your daily conversations and business presentations, whatever you can think of. The Pirate will be delighted and promises not to raid your lands. (A pirate’s promise…)
In return, the Dread Pirate Gavroche takes requests. Need a picture of the Pirate in a certain situation or context? Anything goes, within reason, as long as it will not damage the Pirate or his host. Bring it on!
Thanks. :-)