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Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Dread Pirate is moving over!

The Dread Pirate Gavroche is not only roaming the world, but also roaming the internet. He has decided to leave Blogger for now and settle in Wordpress for a spell. Little difference but to the bard who sings about his travels. So hop on over to the Dread Pirate's blog over here. See you there!!!

Friday, July 1, 2011


So the last entry was like "yeah whatever: Germany" and "been there!", right? Well shame on you but also check this out: THE PIRATE IS IN INDIA!! The wife/manager of bandleader Lucas van Merwijk, she goes by the name of Roosje, kindly offered to take care of the Pirate for a while. At least that's what Rob tells us. I think there was probably a bit more whining and pretty pleeease? and ultimately (attempts at) intimidation followed by illegal stowaway action involved. However he did it, he did it: here is a picture of the Dread Pirate Gavroche in India.



On his way home the pirate picked up some vitamin C.


Next morning at breakfast the pirate met the latest addition to the Drums band: Mousee Patee.


It was the weekend of big protests against budget cuts for the arts sector. The pirate signed the online petition, arts lover that he is. (Whut?)


Good for pillaging! With pillows!

Kiel and attack!

Last weekend the pirate was in Germany with Drums United. Going bear hunting.